Concrete Services Abbotsford
Top Provider of Concrete Services in Abbotsford
Concrete Abbotsford. Site preparation tops the list. The process of screeding ensures a flat surface. Any low spots left in the process of screeding or any ridges can be filled and leveled by bull floating. Edging ensures the durability of the edges and sides, protecting them against chipping and scaling.
Concreteck’s Contractors specializing in Concrete Abbotsford are experienced in concrete placing, forming and finishing services in Abbotsford and across BC.
Our crew for placing and finishing services for concrete take pride in their ability to provide all types of flatwork, walls, driveways, patios, sidewalk.
Concrete Abbotsford Supply
The first and most important step in the process is to determine the ingredients that will make up the concrete and their proportions. As should be apparent from the previous section, there are many variables to consider including cement type, aggregate size and type, amount of water, and mineral and chemical admixtures. While a good mix design can still result in inadequate or poor quality concrete if it is not executed correctly, a bad mix design will of course always give poor results. Who is responsible for designing the mix depends on the type of project.
Coordination Process
During the construction of any project, the coordination of the trades is an integral part of the process, especially with respect to the mechanical and electrical trades.
Concrete Abbotsford Placing
If the concrete mixing truck can be located close to the site, then the concrete can be poured directly into the forms. In cases where this is not possible, the concrete can be transferred in buckets by a crane or by wheelbarrow. When this is impractical due to the distance required or the size of the job, the fresh concrete can be pumped through a system of pipes or hoses to the site by one of our concrete pumps.
Finishing Process for Concrete in Abbotsford
Finishing refers to any final treatment of the concrete surface after it has been consolidated to achieve the desired properties. This can be as simple as pushing a wide blade over the fresh concrete surface to make it flat (screeding). Floating and troweling is a process of compacting and smoothing the surface which is performed as the concrete is starting to harden. After concrete has hardened, mechanical finishing can be used to roughen the surface to make it less slippery or to polish the surface as a decorative step to bring out the beauty of a special aggregate such as marble chips. Peak Concrete LTD. employs the use of concrete dyes and surface molds to emulate the appearance of bricks, decorative pavers, or even ceramic tile.
To start a new concrete project in Abbotsford call us directly (778) 378-6786 or chat with us online: